Thursday, 16 December 2010


Well both actually!
ESOL is the required course set by the UKBA for those who fail the life in the UK Test and if you're British like me, even you will find the questions a little on the tough side... ESOL stands for English Speakers of other Languages and for those who find it difficult or who fail they can alternatively attend a course of minimum 3 days which provides skills for life and improves the spoken English.

Training Connect has over 18 centres Nationally and provide a FREE initial assessment so you can pop in, visit their website or call them on 0208 538 0248

The title is such because here at Training Connect we understand life is a journey in which we must do all we can to assist others and we put our life and soul into working with those who come to learn so that they can achieve their desires.

Some people pronounce ESOL as ESOUL and it got me thinking life is a course and to get where we are meant to we too cannot ignore our soul, or the fundamental questions: why are we here, what do we have to do and how long do we have left?

Be sure to follow the Blog and my journey into finding the answers.

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